My Story

hello my friend

Tell me what you are going through, what can I say to make it better for you.

Drop down your mask, your shield, the walls that protects you and take a listen to my songs, some might be exactly what you need right now.

Its comforting to know that others have gone through the same path  and were able to get through it.

I am not the best of singers, I am not the best of musicians but I do write with my heart for you.

Who cares who I am, or where I am from, in my life I can say I have done so much; traveled, studied, met people from all over but most importantly I have observed.

I have observed you. I have seen the worst and the best and the many crossroads in between.

Life is about the travels not so much the destination.

So if you were expecting a BIO telling you who I am, well who I am is defined by what you see in me.

I am a father, an engineer, a loving man, a coach, a musician, a businessman, an entrepreneur, a fragile mind, a writer, a guy that enjoys restoring old cars and enjoys his brotherhood of friends.

At times a poet and a storyteller, my goal is to create in your mind an image, sharing with you the colors of my life, the good and the bad.

I want you to be there with me, be a witness to those emotions, be a fly on the wall.

I want you to listen to the words, as the message is important to me, and if you are listening to my songs well I guess the message is important to you too.

I thank you for trusting me with your time, giving me a chance to share what represents my life.


3 things before you leave:


Those that say “we only live once" are wrong. We live everyday. We only die once. So live in the today. Enjoy everybody in your life to the fullest today.


Don’t push things ahead because they are hard or because they appear impossible. Impossible + Determination = Possible and when Determination flakes as it does sometimes persevere my friend. Nothing that comes easy is worth it.


Third and this comes from my own father; evolution is not necessary progress. Be sure to see the difference and to have the courage to call bullshit when it is bullshit, be the difference.

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